October Gratitude

At the close of the month I like to look back over the past few weeks, remember, and be thankful…

— enough rain to allow a few mushrooms to pop up in the woods

— the chance to experience Southern Indiana and Spring Mill State Park in October

— finding turkey feathers in the woods

— going on a tractor ride

— discovering a new trail at a beloved location

— weekly walks at the same place with the same person

— best sugar maple color in years

— family leaf raking event

— seeing a red fox run by

— camping with my youngest, hiking, cooking outdoors

— the final bouquet from the garden

— getting apples from the orchard

— many eagle sightings

— enjoying peak leaves from the kayak

— walking around the art museum gardens with their fall decorations and flowers

— reading on a blanket at Eagle Creek, sipping tea, bare feet, leaves all around

— Sunday picnic at the park

— our red maple in full color

— late butterflies flying around


It’s National Author’s Day!


Good Books: The Way Through the Woods